Fitness levels

REGULAR PHYSICAL ACTIVITY leads to improved physical and functional (i.e. real-life, every day activities) fitness which has a major impact on reducing fatigue. This is because increasing fitness enables our bodies to operate more efficiently right throughout the day, which means our perceived effort to carry out daily activities is much less. If you do…

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Body weight & fatigue

EXCESS BODY FAT INCREASES THE LIKELIHOOD OF SOMEONE GETTING FATIGUED Imagine walking around all day with a backpack on containing a 10 kg brick. Wouldn’t you feel more tired at……

Sleep & physical activity

Do I exercise or just have a sleep? It is not uncommon for people experiencing fatigue to put this down to lack of sleep, when in actual fact there are……

Mood and sleep

It’s no surprise that sleep, or a lack of sleep, affects our mood. One sleepless night will cause most people to be more irritable, short-tempered and stressed. After a good……

Is it possible to have too much sleep each night?

It is still largely unknown how many exact hours of sleep per day are needed in adults, according to their age, their environmental and socio-cultural characteristics. It is generally cited……

Anxiety and fatigue

While the symptoms of anxiety disorders change with the specific diagnosis, the common theme is an overwhelming sense of worry and the associated lack of concentration, feeling tired and irritable.……

Assessing your Fatigue

Your personal safety, and the safety of those around you, is dependent on three factors when it comes to fatigue: recognition that you are feeling fatigued;understanding the potential consequences of……

Meal type and fatigue

It is often promoted that foods high in carbohydrate make you drowsy because they increase the uptake of the amino acid tryptophan by the brain. Tryptophan is a chemical that……

An introduction to sleep

Sleep is common throughout the animal kingdom. We do know there is still a lot to be leaned about sleep, despite considerable research. All animals require sleep and no permanent……

Mealing timing and fatigue

Our bodies perform best when given a regular supply of food throughout the day rather than one large meal. This means that to start maximising your energy you need to……

Food quality & fatigue

You are what you repeatedly eat! The food that you eat provides the fuel for your body to do everything it needs to do, every second, of every single day.……