Getting enough exercise

We’ve talked about all the benefits of physical activity, but how do we know your fitness is causing you to lack energy and feel fatigued? Ask yourself these questions: Do you breathe heavily after walking up a short flight of stairs?Do you need to take a break or rest if you walk for 1 hour?Are…

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Depression and the impact on fatigue

While we all experience low mood from time to time, it is important to understand that this is not depression. Depression is more than just a low mood. Depression is a very serious illness where low mood continues for long periods of time for no particular reason (See Figure below). To be diagnosed with clinical……

Is shift work detrimental to health?

There is a body of evidence that supports the statement that shift work can detrimentally impact on health, as well as, other factors that impact on human wellbeing and safety (i.e. alertness, fatigue, cognitive performance). It concludes, “that we have sufficient knowledge to conclude that shift work may indeed have detrimental consequences for health, despite……

Food quality & fatigue

You are what you repeatedly eat! The food that you eat provides the fuel for your body to do everything it needs to do, every second, of every single day. Your daily energy levels, therefore, are only going to be as good as the fuel you put in your body; your food. For example, a……


There are many theories about dreams including how they occur and what they may mean, if anything. Dreams may not serve any purpose at all and may be merely a by-product of two evolutionary adaptations – sleep and consciousness. The question about the function of dreaming is still unanswered. Dreams often involve the dreamer in……

What is fatigue?

Fatigue is not a condition, but rather a symptom of many different situations, illnesses or conditions and can be defined quite simply as a feeling of weariness, tiredness, or lack of energy. The presentation of fatigue can be unpredictable and its causes diverse, making its management difficult. One thing is for sure: that each and……

How hard do I need to exercise to burn fat?

This is probably one of the most common questions people ask about exercise and weight loss; and the most poorly understood. The answer to this question comes down to the intensity and time you spend exercising. We burn two fuels simultaneously, carbohydrate and fat. However, the proportion of each that we burn varies depending on……

Sleep & physical activity

Do I exercise or just have a sleep? It is not uncommon for people experiencing fatigue to put this down to lack of sleep, when in actual fact there are underlying physical and/or functional fitness problems. Physical or functional problems may be related to poor physical fitness, poor strength, inflexibility, injury, illness or inappropriate functional……

Sleep Disorders

It is estimated that 6% of the population suffer from sleep disorders. Sleep disorders may make some health conditions worse such as, heartburn, depression, asthma and heart disease. Sleep disorders are diagnosed by a GP or sleep specialist. If you are experiencing poor sleep and have some of the following symptoms, you may want to……

Top tips for management mental health

Putting it all together Depression, anxiety and stress are major risk factors of fatigue. The good news is that they are all treatable conditions and many people overcome mood disorders through proactive management. However, there is no quick fix. Treatment of mood disorders often takes time and includes a combination of techniques to manage the……

Body weight & fatigue

EXCESS BODY FAT INCREASES THE LIKELIHOOD OF SOMEONE GETTING FATIGUED Imagine walking around all day with a backpack on containing a 10 kg brick. Wouldn’t you feel more tired at the end of the day? Well, body fat is “excess weight” you simply have to carry around. The more you have to carry, the more……