Is it possible to have too much sleep each night?

It is still largely unknown how many exact hours of sleep per day are needed in adults, according to their age, their environmental and socio-cultural characteristics. It is generally cited that 7-8 hours of sleep is sufficient for adults and there is ongoing research to identify what is the optimal sleep need. However, there is…

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Body weight & fatigue

EXCESS BODY FAT INCREASES THE LIKELIHOOD OF SOMEONE GETTING FATIGUED Imagine walking around all day with a backpack on containing a 10 kg brick. Wouldn’t you feel more tired at the end of the day? Well, body fat is “excess weight” you simply have to carry around. The more you have to carry, the more……

How hard do I need to exercise to burn fat?

This is probably one of the most common questions people ask about exercise and weight loss; and the most poorly understood. The answer to this question comes down to the intensity and time you spend exercising. We burn two fuels simultaneously, carbohydrate and fat. However, the proportion of each that we burn varies depending on……

The impacts on circadian rhythm and melatonin production in visually impaired people

Light is captured through photoreceptors in the eyes which transmit this to the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), or internal body clock, via a dedicated neural pathway. Each day the light-dark cycle resets the internal clock, which in turn synchronizes physiological and behavioural patterns known as our circadian rhythms. People who are visual impaired with no perception……

Mood & physical activity

Think about the last time you took a brisk walk. How did you feel afterwards? I bet you felt good! You don’t have to wait for the good feeling physical activity brings. It starts right away – and then gets better. Studies have shown that regular physical activity reduces stress-related symptoms and decreases the risk……

Iron levels and fatigue

Iron is a mineral. It is necessary to make haemoglobin (an oxygen carrying molecule) in the blood. If iron is not eaten in adequate amounts in the diet; anaemia, tiredness and fatigue will result. People at greatest risk are pregnant and menstruating women, vegetarians and athletes.  If you think you may be low in blood……

What type of exercise should you do?

When you are planning activity you don’t have to choose one activity. Think outside the square. The only limit to Active Living is safety. There are three types of training that will improve physical and functional fitness: aerobic, strengthening and stretching. Aerobic activities Aerobic exercise is any extended activity that makes you breathe hard while……

Meal type and fatigue

It is often promoted that foods high in carbohydrate make you drowsy because they increase the uptake of the amino acid tryptophan by the brain. Tryptophan is a chemical that can work together with another important brain chemical called serotonin, to help promote a calming effect and sleepiness. Foods rich in protein, however, increase production……

10 exercise tips to help beat fatigue

Whether it is a structured exercise program or just part of your daily routine, all exercise adds upEase into it! If you’ve been sedentary for a long time, are overweight, have a high risk of heart disease or some other chronic health problem, see your doctor for a medical evaluation before beginning a physical activity……

What is fatigue?

Fatigue is not a condition, but rather a symptom of many different situations, illnesses or conditions and can be defined quite simply as a feeling of weariness, tiredness, or lack of energy. The presentation of fatigue can be unpredictable and its causes diverse, making its management difficult. One thing is for sure: that each and……

What causes fatigue?

Fatigue is caused by a range of different factors. It is usually not just one factor but a combination of factors that will explain someone’s fatigue. Being able to characterise the symptoms will enable you to identify the underlying cause/s of your fatigue and take action to increase your fatigue resistance. The Fatigue Cause Model……