What are the signs and symptoms of fatigue?

Some of the key signs to look out for are listed below. Drowsiness is an impaired awareness associated with a desire to sleep and signs include:errors in familiar tasksrepeated yawningdifficulty keeping eyes open, head nods, microsleepsirritability or impatiencememory loss or forgetfulness (e.g. not being able to remember the last 5min driving)difficulty concentrating/Dream-like thoughtsblurred visions, heavy…

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Mood and sleep

It’s no surprise that sleep, or a lack of sleep, affects our mood. One sleepless night will cause most people to be more irritable, short-tempered and stressed. After a good……

Mood & physical activity

Think about the last time you took a brisk walk. How did you feel afterwards? I bet you felt good! You don’t have to wait for the good feeling physical……

How sleep works

Good sleep helps us wake up feeling refreshed and alert for our daily activities. Sleep affects how we look, feel and perform on a daily basis. If sleep is cut……

Getting enough exercise

We’ve talked about all the benefits of physical activity, but how do we know your fitness is causing you to lack energy and feel fatigued? Ask yourself these questions: Do……

Who is responsible for your fatigue?

Fatigue affects everyone, at some time or another!…making US ALL responsible! When someone is fatigued, who is the first person to experience the effects? That’s right…you are! You will experience……

Mental illness. Causes and treatments

Causes of mood disorders The cause of stress, anxiety or depression is often difficult to determine and is usually a combination of social, situational and personal factors. Social factors may……

Managing mental health with your lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle is paramount for the treatment and prevention of mood disorders. Healthy lifestyle includes a combination of healthy eating, regular exercise and reduced alcohol consumption. Lifestyle changes help……

10 nutrition tips to beat fatigue

Eat breakfast based on breads, cereals low fat dairy and fruit. Pack a lunchbox with snack including at least 2 pieces of fruit. Portion dinner plate correctly with half the……


There are many theories about dreams including how they occur and what they may mean, if anything. Dreams may not serve any purpose at all and may be merely a……

Is it possible to have too much sleep each night?

It is still largely unknown how many exact hours of sleep per day are needed in adults, according to their age, their environmental and socio-cultural characteristics. It is generally cited……