How does alcohol affect sleep

Alcohol is a depressant that slows the nervous system down. It impacts on the quality of the naturally occurring sleep cycles, and can increase sleep disturbance. Some people will say, "alcohol helps them sleep." This is true to a point! But it is also counter-productive. The figure below illustrates how alcohol affects sleep (red line).…

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Avoiding injury when exercising

Regardless of your exercise choice, one truth applies to everyone: preparation can prevent injury. Many common exercise injuries stem from overlooking two basics: warm-up and stretching. Warm-up: The idea of……

Getting enough exercise

We’ve talked about all the benefits of physical activity, but how do we know your fitness is causing you to lack energy and feel fatigued? Ask yourself these questions: Do……

How hard do I need to exercise to burn fat?

This is probably one of the most common questions people ask about exercise and weight loss; and the most poorly understood. The answer to this question comes down to the……

An introduction to sleep

Sleep is common throughout the animal kingdom. We do know there is still a lot to be leaned about sleep, despite considerable research. All animals require sleep and no permanent……

Mental illness. Causes and treatments

Causes of mood disorders The cause of stress, anxiety or depression is often difficult to determine and is usually a combination of social, situational and personal factors. Social factors may……

What is fatigue amnesia?

Have you ever driven into your driveway at home and on arrival thought to yourself, How did I get here? I cannot recall the trip home or the last part……

What are the best methods to improve sleep quality during menopause?

Many women report disturbed sleep during perimenopause and menopause. This often includes difficulty falling or staying asleep and waking through the night or very early in the morning. There are……

Sleep & physical activity

Do I exercise or just have a sleep? It is not uncommon for people experiencing fatigue to put this down to lack of sleep, when in actual fact there are……

Is it possible to have too much sleep each night?

It is still largely unknown how many exact hours of sleep per day are needed in adults, according to their age, their environmental and socio-cultural characteristics. It is generally cited……

What causes fatigue?

Fatigue is caused by a range of different factors. It is usually not just one factor but a combination of factors that will explain someone’s fatigue. Being able to characterise……