Who is responsible for your fatigue?

Fatigue affects everyone, at some time or another!...making US ALL responsible! When someone is fatigued, who is the first person to experience the effects? That's right...you are! You will experience the adverse effects of fatigue long before you have a fatigue-related incident. Anyone who has fallen asleep at the wheel will have felt the effects…

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Is it possible to have too much sleep each night?

It is still largely unknown how many exact hours of sleep per day are needed in adults, according to their age, their environmental and socio-cultural characteristics. It is generally cited that 7-8 hours of sleep is sufficient for adults and there is ongoing research to identify what is the optimal sleep need. However, there is……

Smoking and sleep

Nicotine can hamper a person’s ability to fall asleep or get good quality sleep. Studies have shown that the average smoker gets 30 minutes less sleep compared to non-smokers. Trouble getting to sleep after a cigarette is likely due to the stimulatory effect of nicotine. Nicotine withdrawal during later sleep periods may also affect sleep……

What are the signs and symptoms of fatigue?

Some of the key signs to look out for are listed below. Drowsiness is an impaired awareness associated with a desire to sleep and signs include:errors in familiar tasksrepeated yawningdifficulty keeping eyes open, head nods, microsleepsirritability or impatiencememory loss or forgetfulness (e.g. not being able to remember the last 5min driving)difficulty concentrating/Dream-like thoughtsblurred visions, heavy……

Fitness levels

REGULAR PHYSICAL ACTIVITY leads to improved physical and functional (i.e. real-life, every day activities) fitness which has a major impact on reducing fatigue. This is because increasing fitness enables our bodies to operate more efficiently right throughout the day, which means our perceived effort to carry out daily activities is much less. If you do……

When will fatigue occur?

The time of day affects fatigue, due mainly to the body’s circadian rhythms. Circadian rhythms are natural body rhythms that are driven by the cycle of day and night. The start of the cycle is typically linked to the rising of the sun, and the person getting out of bed after a night’s sleep. During……

Who is responsible for your fatigue?

Fatigue affects everyone, at some time or another!…making US ALL responsible! When someone is fatigued, who is the first person to experience the effects? That’s right…you are! You will experience the adverse effects of fatigue long before you have a fatigue-related incident. Anyone who has fallen asleep at the wheel will have felt the effects……

Top tips for management mental health

Putting it all together Depression, anxiety and stress are major risk factors of fatigue. The good news is that they are all treatable conditions and many people overcome mood disorders through proactive management. However, there is no quick fix. Treatment of mood disorders often takes time and includes a combination of techniques to manage the……

Managing mental health and fatigue

When trying to establish the cause of an individual’s fatigue, it is easy to get caught up in the end point, or symptoms, of fatigue. However, start digging a little deeper and you may be able to identify the factors causing fatigue. Once we determine the underlying causes of fatigue, we are better able to……

Types of mood disorders

Mental health can generally can be seperated into three categories: stress, anxiety, and depression and can all directly or indirectly increase the risk of fatigue. They are all common and treatable illnesses. Approximately 1 in 4 people will suffer from a mental illness throughout their lifetime. So it is likely that you or someone you……

Food quality and quantity

The quality and quantity of food you choose can make a huge difference to body weight. The difference between the two diets on the right is 5700kJ. Someone that eats 5700kJ more than another person will weigh 56 kilograms heavier or would have to walk 5 hours each day to burn this amount of energy……