Anxiety and fatigue

While the symptoms of anxiety disorders change with the specific diagnosis, the common theme is an overwhelming sense of worry and the associated lack of concentration, feeling tired and irritable. To put it simply, anxiety is when you worry about being worried.  Feelings of anxiety are common in certain situations throughout life. However, when people…

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Is shift work detrimental to health?

There is a body of evidence that supports the statement that shift work can detrimentally impact on health, as well as, other factors that impact on human wellbeing and safety……

Food quality and quantity

The quality and quantity of food you choose can make a huge difference to body weight. The difference between the two diets on the right is 5700kJ. Someone that eats……

Getting enough exercise

We’ve talked about all the benefits of physical activity, but how do we know your fitness is causing you to lack energy and feel fatigued? Ask yourself these questions: Do……

How sleep works

Good sleep helps us wake up feeling refreshed and alert for our daily activities. Sleep affects how we look, feel and perform on a daily basis. If sleep is cut……

What type of exercise should you do?

When you are planning activity you don’t have to choose one activity. Think outside the square. The only limit to Active Living is safety. There are three types of training……

Depression and the impact on fatigue

While we all experience low mood from time to time, it is important to understand that this is not depression. Depression is more than just a low mood. Depression is……

Sleep Disorders

It is estimated that 6% of the population suffer from sleep disorders. Sleep disorders may make some health conditions worse such as, heartburn, depression, asthma and heart disease. Sleep disorders……

Smoking and sleep

Nicotine can hamper a person’s ability to fall asleep or get good quality sleep. Studies have shown that the average smoker gets 30 minutes less sleep compared to non-smokers. Trouble……

Mood and sleep

It’s no surprise that sleep, or a lack of sleep, affects our mood. One sleepless night will cause most people to be more irritable, short-tempered and stressed. After a good……

Iron levels and fatigue

Iron is a mineral. It is necessary to make haemoglobin (an oxygen carrying molecule) in the blood. If iron is not eaten in adequate amounts in the diet; anaemia, tiredness……